Happy Talking - Using Text-to-Speech to Support Reading and Writing
Text to Speech software has been around for a long time now but, as usual, the Education profession is the last user to jump on the train...

5 Advantages of Online Tutoring
Online tutoring - now, there's something as lot of parents would immediately shy away from. But why? Only a few years ago, we would not...

My Kid Struggles To Keep Up. What Can I Do?
I am frequently asked by parents what can be done to help children who really struggle to keep up in class. I have just attended a...

Ten Reasons to Choose Online Tuition This Summer
As a parent, I can honestly say I've been there. We've all been there. The school report states help is needed in a certain area. You...

Engaging the Disengaged Reader - 5 Simple Steps to Help Reluctant Readers This Summer
It's that time of year when our local libraries are gearing up to launch their Summer Reading Challenges. After all, it's a fantastic...

Adding and Subtracting Fractions -
In this week's #EECWhiteboardWednesday we look a really simple method for adding and subtracting fractions. This is called the...

Spelling tricky words - 'ie' or 'ei'?
This week on #EECwhiteboardWednesday, our focus is on tricky spellings. Some spelling rules have so many exceptions to the rules that...

Adding - Mentally Regrouping Tens First
This week's #EECwhiteboardWednesday video looks at developing faster mental strategies for adding by regrouping tens first.

Spelling - there, their and they're
In this week's 'Whiteboard Wednesday', we look at these helpful tricks to our children remember how to spell these homophones. I hope...

10 Top Tricks to Help Your Dyslexic Child Spell
If you are the parent of a child with Dyslexia, chances are you’ve probably witnessed time and again the struggle of learning spellings;...