Ten Reasons to Choose Online Tuition This Summer
As a parent, I can honestly say I've been there. We've all been there. The school report states help is needed in a certain area. You...

Spelling tricky words - 'ie' or 'ei'?
This week on #EECwhiteboardWednesday, our focus is on tricky spellings. Some spelling rules have so many exceptions to the rules that...

Spelling - there, their and they're
In this week's 'Whiteboard Wednesday', we look at these helpful tricks to our children remember how to spell these homophones. I hope...

10 Top Tricks to Help Your Dyslexic Child Spell
If you are the parent of a child with Dyslexia, chances are you’ve probably witnessed time and again the struggle of learning spellings;...

Superhero in the making - boost your child's self-confidence from zero to hero
We all want our children to do well. We praise them when they do well. Sometimes, when they don't do so well, we may still praise them....

They're grand, so why would I need a tutor?
Your child's report might say they aren't struggling, so why would you need to consider having a tutor? Studies indicate that it can...

Sigma-T and Micra-T Tests - What do the scores mean?
SIGMA-T AND MICRA-T TESTS – WHAT DO THE SCORES MEAN? Your child's report will let you know how they performed in the Sigma-T and Micra-T...