Sigma-T and Micra-T Tests - What do the scores mean?

Your child's report will let you know how they performed in the Sigma-T and Micra-T tests. These tests will contain different numbers of questions, so the score (the raw score) is the number of questions answered correctly by the child. For example, on a test of 60 questions, a raw score of 30 means that the child answered half of the questions correctly.. In standardising a test, Raw Scores are transformed to Standard Scores. Standard Scores tell you the position of a child relative to other children nationally. On most standardised tests, the average Standard Score is set at 100. So, a Standard Score of 115 is in the high average range, and indicates a fairly strong performance on a test. Fewer than 25% of children achieve a score that is this high. A score of 75 is in the below average range, and indicates low performance. Fewer than 10% of children achieve a score that is this low. Performance on standardised tests is usually reported in terms of a STen Score. These scores are on a scale of 1 to 10.
If your child's score is 5 or 6, you will know that that their performance in the test is average. About one third of children in Ireland score 5 or 6 in these tests. You can see from the table that the remaining children are split almost equally above and below the average performance.

If your child's score is low (4 or below), they may have difficulties in Maths and English and need extra support. Although one test obviously doesn't paint the complete picture of a child's ability, it may signal that extra help may be needed to help your child develop in ability and confidence.
At Emerald Education Centre, we can help nurture your child's ability and help them to reach their potential. Call Elaine on 083 8550210 for further information.