Top 10 Lockdown List of Maths Sites
If you're looking for some inspiration for teaching at home, look no further!
As a teacher, I have always loved finding and sharing great resources. In these current difficult times, many parents are finding it challenging to keep their children learning and motivated at home. My Top 10 List is packed full of superb sites to send you to the top of the class in your home school!
1. Top Marks -

This is a great site for fun games to cover a whole range of mathematical concepts across the primary age range. The colourful pages and exciting game are a brilliant way to help keep children engaged and it gives them extra practise in using those maths skills away from the textbooks and worksheets! A tried and tested favourite on this site is the ‘Hit The Button’ game, where you have one minute to answer as many questions correctly as possible by hitting the right button each time!
2. Maths Frame -

Although this is a subscription site, there are many elements that are free to use. These are found by clicking ‘Resources’ and selecting ‘Most Popular Free Maths Games’. A personal favourite of mine is the ‘Super Maths Bowling’ game. This provides kids with a challenge to answer multiplication questions as quickly as possible by selecting the correct answer. The faster you answer, the more control you have over the speed of the bowling ball!
3. ABCya -

I love this American site. There are some fabulous games covering a range of different maths concepts. I particularly like the ‘Math Bingo’ game, which can be used to cover all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) at many levels.
4. Math Games -

This is one of my ‘go-to’ websites. There are loads of games kids can play. It allows you to select a focus skill for the game, so there is ample opportunity to practice different concepts within the same game format. I also love using the ‘skills’ tab for a more formal layout. As shown here, I particularly like teaching fractions with this site. The ‘scratchpad’ allows the child to make rough calculation notes on screen in order to reach their answers.
5. Math Playground -

Kids love to play on this site because it allows them to compete against other children. There are many short games to choose from in which children try to beat their opponents to be ranked in the winning 4 places. It is an excellent way to build speed and skills, allowing for anonymity to protect your kid’s identity.
6. PBS Kids -

There are some well-known characters for younger children on this site, such as Curious George. I love the idea of introducing bonds to ten with the little video book ‘The Perfect Ten Problem’. This tells a story of a games show where contestants much score a perfect 10. It is a fun way to engage young children through a story to practice their maths skills.
7. BBC Bitesize -

During the school closure period, this website is of great help to parents. You will find daily lessons to follow, based on Scottish/ UK year groups. These cover a fabulous range of concepts for kids ages 5-15 years, so there really is something for everyone. There are video clips to watch and questions to answer. There are even links to the solutions for parents.
8. Times Tables -

If you are looking for repetition, repetition, repetition to practice learning a particular multiplication table, this is the site for you! It allows you to select the times table you want to work on and presents the practice exercises in different formats for you to work through, following a 5-step plan. This is an excellent way to really get to grips with those times tables!
9. ICT Games -

An old favourite, this site had many wonderful games to help keep maths lessons fun and interactive. I particularly like the ‘Capacity Countdown’ game to use when teaching children how to read scales and convert from litres to millilitres.
10. Primary Games -

I love using the many different games on this site to aid my teaching. Children can learn while having fun with these great games. What is even more amazing, they have made these completely free to access during school closures, so make the most of this fabulous site while you can!
At Emerald Education Centre, we provide online lessons for children aged 5-16. You can book both one-to-one sessions or your child can be part of a group lesson. For further information, please contact me at or find us on Facebook at